It's been so long since I've written that I have tons to write, but won't try to bite off the whole thing!
Jackie, Betsy and I are closing the shop doors as of August 1. The timing is actually by choice, because the building is up for sale, and we wanted to choose the time for leaving, and be able to plan better. We're not closing our business, but branching out, with separate limbs for each of us. We'll still take orders online,( this blog will take you to my website), or by phone or by mail.
My e mail is < >, and some of you know my phone #'s.
We've been working toward this date for the last month....... happily interrupted by Jesse and Sarah's wedding in June, and Skip, Katie and Kourtney's June/July visit. Now we've really rolled up our sleeves and are trying to empty things from the shop.
It's "CHRISTMAS IN JULY" there with 20% off most things, and some really big bargains on some of the furniture. (I'm going to have to get really busy on making Santas for '09!) I've been a real 'painterly' mood lately, and the timing for that's not quite right. So I'm running around doing odd things at odd times trying to accomplish all I can so we'll be ready to close the shop door.
I hope some of you will become 'followers'of my blog, and will give me input and suggestions on what you would like to have me work on, or feel free to order something you'd like me to make just for you.
I'll be back soon, but have some medical proceedures ahead that I've mixed feelings about. (Katie Couric would be happy about one of them!!) And Im looking forward to having an epidural on my 'aching back' early next week!
Till later, then........
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