Monday, February 22, 2010

Winter White!

Iowa has had a very consistent landscape this season. We've enjoyed...mostly!!!... having the ground covered with a blanket of snow since early December. I recall trudging to school in Vermont, along a path made on top of the plowed snow piles. The snow this year, in Iowa, is taking me back to Eastern winters of sledding and skiing and happy snow times of childhood.
This morning I've shoveled enough snow to get in and out of my driveway, I've worked on two paintings, and vacuumed... a little! I've put final touches on writing a talk I'm giving next month on the subject of folk art. Usually, I don't enjoy "speaking" to groups, but this is fun to prepare for, and to plan what pieces of folk art I will take to share with the group, the folk art I've been creating for the shop and web sites.

I'm so looking forward to attending the Thursday (2,25) evening debut of a magazine Dave and Dee have been building, called "Iowa Momentum Endurance Sports". All has seemed to fall into place for their interests and talents to combine in this venue. They are active bikers, runners, and swimmers, and have many athletic friends whose stories will be able to be told in the magazine. For local's it will be free on racks all over Iowa. And can be subscribed to from their site. So keep your eyes pealed for it's public debut . March 1, 2010!

Today I sent in my boat registration, committing to another year on the lake in my 25 year old pontoon boat, "Liberty". I look forward to having Jill home for the summer, so we can do some kayaking together.

But before that, starts, we have a wedding in PA. to celebrate! My first Grandaughter is being married to a special young man. It will be a fun family time! Some of us are flying, and some driving.... but all of us looking forward to being together for such a special event.

I'm getting way ahead of myself, and better get back to painting! It's been fun to share with you. I hope you're each finding pleasure in the snows of this winter.

till later........